To buy or not to buy a stock? To make a better decision, it helps to look at important key metrics and data of a stock. These include, for example, the price-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) or the amount of the dividend.
Such comprehensive information about a stock can now be found directly in our broker. Simply select the stock and view the key metrics and company details under the price and performance information.
In total, you will receive the following information about a stock: Key metrics, dividend per share, analyst rating, financial data, company details.
Here you can view the most important key figures for share valuation: Market capitalisation, P/E ratio, earnings per share and more. If you would like to know how individual indicators are calculated or used, simply tap on the corresponding key figure.
Here you can see what percentage of analysts would recommend buying, selling or holding a share. It also calculates the average target price - what analysts think the share is worth.
This overview informs about the amount of dividends in the last three years and gives a forecast for the upcoming year.
Financial data such as the turnover of the past business year and the return on sales can be used to assess the profitability of a company.
This section tells you which industry and region the company belongs to. You will also receive a brief description of the business.
All securities and company information should always be seen in context and decisions should not be made on the basis of a single data point.
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